Baker Home and School Club 

Who We Are

The Baker Home and School Club (HSC) is a place where parents and teachers come together to share ideas and create an enriching school experience for our Baker Bobcats. Like a PTA, the HSC is run by parent volunteers - except we don't have exclusive members.  All of our Baker families are invited to join in and participate in HSC meetings, events and volunteer opportunities. We fundraise throughout the year to support our programs, and to bring more exciting ones to Baker. We can't do any of it without our wonderful Baker parents though, so take a look around and come be a part of it all!

Parent Coffee in Baker Garden

Friday, September 6th, 8:15am

Spend time with fellow parents, HSC board members, and the Principal in the garden after morning drop off! 

Spirit Day!

Friday, September 6th

Sports theme! Go team!   

Move Your Feet Friday!

Friday, September 13th

Walk, Bike, or Scoot to school and practice safe and healthy habits!

Restaurant Night!

Tuesday, September 17th, 4pm - 9pm

Baker is having a restaurant night at Pizza my Heart!  Mention "Baker Elementary School" with your order and 30% of sales will be donated to Baker HSC.

Pizza My Heart

850 El Paseo de Saratoga, San Jose, CA 95130

School Pictures!

October 1st!

Baker Bobcats, get ready to look your best!  Picture day is October 1st!

Spirit Wear Order Form

Purchase your spirit wear at the school office!

2023-24 School Yearbook

If you forgot to order your 2023-2024 yearbook, we have extras!  Stop by the front office to find out how you can purchase one!

Volunteer With Us

We need parent volunteers to run many of our amazing programs. Please keep an eye out for volunteering opportunities and help make a difference in your child's school!

Access the Baker HSC Calendar

You asked, we listened! We've now made it easier than ever for you to keep track of all the events and holidays at Baker this year- with a shareable link to our Google calendar.

Simply click here if you use Google calendars, or click here if you use Apple's iCal, and confirm that you'd like to add our school calendar to yours. Once that's done, you can sit back and relax knowing that every event at Baker will ✨automagically✨ show up on our shared calendar as soon as they are planned.